Hodge-Podge of Goodies

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A couple resources of note have crossed my desk recently.

First, I happened upon the University of Wisconsin's digitized collection of Aldo Leopold's papers. They have done a marvelous job, based on a quick look. I enjoyed just piecing through the collection, watching practical ecology evolve.

Second, the Agricultural History Society has announced a new award for the best article on the history of agriculture or environment of the South. It's named for Jack Temple Kirby, whose Rural Worlds Lost is a personal favorite.

Third, the Friends of the Princeton University Libraries announced their annual Library Research Grants of up to $3,500 to use the libraries and special collections. PUL has many fine collections for the historian of American science, including some interesting archival collections for individuals like the biogeographer Robert MacArthur and the mathematical biologist Alfred Lotka.

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